Pacific Philharmonia Tokyo
近年では、日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団定期演奏会、読売日本交響楽団演奏会、アルベルト・ゼッダ氏の代役で急遽出演した東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団定期演奏会のほか、15年11月にフランダース・オペラでのロッシーニ『アルミーダ』、12月にはトリエステ歌劇場でのドニゼッティ『愛の妙薬』およびクリスマス・コンサートに出演し好評を博した。16年は日生劇場『セビリアの理髪師』、藤原歌劇団『蝶々夫人』『愛の妙薬』などの各公演を指揮。2019年は、日生劇場『トスカ』、藤原歌劇団『ランスへの旅』、広島交響楽団演奏会当に出演。自ら芸術監督を務める藤沢市民オペラでの ロッシーニ『湖上の美人』(演奏会形式)は、日本初演を大成功に導き絶賛された。2020年は、NHKナゴヤニューイヤーコンサート2020、日本オペラ協会 歌劇『紅天女』(世界初演)、日本センチュリー響演奏会をはじめ、東京文化会館オペラBOX『アマールと夜の訪問者』、日フィルサンデーコンサート、新国立劇場 高校生のためのオペラ鑑賞教室・関西公演『魔笛』等に出演。
東京藝術大学音楽学部指揮科、同大学大学院を修了。遠藤雅古、佐藤功太郎、ジェイムズ・ロックハートの各氏に師事。その後イタリア、シエナのキジアーナ音楽院にてジャンルイジ・ジェルメッティ氏に師事。2002年より文化庁在外派遣研修員、野村国際文化財団、五島記念文化財団の奨学生としてローマに留学。この間、ローマ歌劇場やマドリード王立歌劇場など、多くのプロダクションでジェルメッティ氏のアシスタントとして研鑽を積んだ。また ロッシーニの権威アルベルト・ゼッダ氏との交友も深く、ペーザロのロッシーニ・オペラ・フェスティヴァルで師事したのをきっかけにその後ヨーロッパ各地で数々の作品を学ぶ。04年にシエナ・ロータリークラブ「カルロ・コルシーニ音楽賞」を受賞。05年第16回五島記念文化賞 オペラ新人賞を受賞。2017年度第16回齋藤秀雄メモリアル基金賞を受賞。15年4月より藤沢市民オペラ芸術監督。
Ryuichiro Sonoda is a spirited conductor who has already conducted at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Teatro Verdi Trieste, and other locations across the world. Great expectations are directed at Sonoda in the fields of opera and symphony alike.
Sonoda made his debut in 2006 when he conducted Tosca at the Classical Music Week in Siena . His Japanese debut was in 2007, when he conducted La Bohème by the Japan Opera Foundation. That summer he conducted The Journey to Reims at the Rossini Opera Festival (Pesaro) as well as performances with the Orchestra della Toscana (Florence) and the Teatro Massimo Bellini Orchestra (Catania). He performed with the Orchestra della Toscana again in 2008, conducting The Italian Girl in Algiers at the Rossini in Wildbad Belcanto Opera Festival (Germany). In 2009, Sonoda conducted performances at the Teatro Carlo Felice (Genoa), The Magic Flute at Biwako Hall, The Thieving Magpie at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna and Teatro Municipale Valli (Reggio Emilia), The Elixir of Love by the Japan Opera Foundation, and Giselle at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. He was also invited once again to the Rossini in Wildbad Belcanto Opera Festival to conduct The Thieving Magpie. In 2010, he conducted Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo and La Morte di Didone at the Rossini Opera Festival (Pesaro), Don Giovanni at Kansai Nikikai, Coppélia at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, and the regular concerts of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna Orchestra.
In recent years Sonoda has conducted many operas inside and outside Japan, including concerts and The Rape of Lucretia by Britten at the Teatro Verdi Trieste; Rossini’s The Journey to Reims and Otello at the Antwerp Theater and Ghent Theater; Lucia di Lammermoor, La Sonnambula, La Traviata, and Madama Butterfly by the Japan Opera Foundation; The Magic Flute, The Threepenny Opera, and The Child and the Spells at Biwako Hall; and Così fan tutte at Kansai Nikikai. He has also conducted the regular concerts by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as concerts by the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, Gunma Symphony Orchestra, and The Kyushu Symphony Orchestra.
Sonoda graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Fine Arts and Graduate School of Fine Arts. He studied under the late Masahisa Endo, the late Kotaro Sato, and James Lockhart. Afterwards, he studied under Gianluigi Gelmetti at the Chigiana Musical Academy in Siena, Italy. In 2002 he became an Agency for Cultural Affairs overseas trainee and studied abroad in Rome as a scholarship student of Nomura Foundation and The Gotoh Memorial Foundation. During that period he diligently served as Gelmetti’s assistant on many productions including at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma and Teatro Real in Madrid. He also became close friends with Alberto Zedda, who is renowned for his work on Rossini, and studied at the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro. This allowed Sonoda to learn a wide range of works at locations all over Europe. In 2004 he was awarded the Carlo Corsini Music Prize by the Siena Rotary Club. He was also awarded The 16th Gotoh Memorial Foundation Culture Prize for New Opera Performer of the Year in 2005.